Fun Facts
Forget Me Not is our body’s voice and reminder to take good care of ourselves.
The Forget Me Not flower (Myosotis) is a symbol of love and protection from disease and distress.
In Greek mythology a legend tells that Forget Me Nots open the path to hidden treasures.
The Forget Me Not flower has five petals. The number five symbolizes the five elements in Chinese medicine: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. These five elements correspond to organs and meridians in our body and their relationship with each other. They are susceptible to imbalances with each other.
The process of restoring harmony between the organs/meridians can be compared to the activity of unraveling of shoe laces - in that sense “Forget Me Knot”. Often the healing/unraveling process is a complex task because many organs are effected at the same time.
The Forget Me Not flower is used in herbology. The flower essence and syrup & tea from the whole flower are used as herbs in western homeopathy, and Gou Shi Hua Gen (the root of the Chinese Forget Me Not flower) can eliminate heat and supplement deficiency in our bodies. (Please don’t try yourself without consulting a trained and certified herbology expert!)
“Planting seeds together”: Forget Me Not flowers sprout from seeds, grow and finally blossom - just like getting healthier. The leaf sprouting from the flower also symbolizes growth and new life. We can accomplish the task together as a team - one day at a time.
The flower symbol closely resembles the Seed of Life symbol with the difference that the Forget Me Not flower has five and not seven interconnected circles.
The combination of blue and green colors symbolize grounding, healing, renewal and hope.
I was always drawn to the little Forget Me Not flowers blooming in my mom’s beautiful garden in spring (see picture on top of page).
So many reasons…