Creative Corner
What is the “Creative Corner” about?
The “Creative Corner” is a space where you can find some ideas to promote healthier lifestyle habits.These inspirations come in different forms from recipes to book recommendations, gentle and easy to follow exercise routines, and healthy living suggestions that may be new to you. You also can find some “feel good” nature pictures. It is so rewarding and relaxing to go out there and “smell the roses”.
I (Simone) feel very passionate about cooking and especially baking. I consider them as a creative outlet. I love to put a healthier, yet tasty spin on existing recipes, and I take delight in coming up with my own. And yes, it is okay to indulge once in a while ;). Another favorite of mine is nature photography. I also enjoy reading, going on walks, hiking, swimming, bicycling and yoga, and of course, spending quality time with family and friends.
This page is an everchanging piece of work in progress. I’m looking forward to sharing more content with you later.
As a start, I’d like to share one of my favorite most recent nature pictures with you (see below). Salvia plants are surely magnets for hummingbirds.